I am lost for words! I have so many things I want to say about this South Korean movie ‘Oldboy’, but I fear two undesirable things could happen as a result.
I might give away a lot.
Your expectations from the movie could become huge.
Just to give you an idea of what sort of movie it is, I’ll give you the set up. A drunk is kidnapped one night and imprisoned in a room. He is fed regularly and cleaned, but is kept in a locked room. He doesn’t know who his captors are. But he is curious. Curiosity turns to anger, which again turns to a thirst for revenge when he is released after 15 years.
The movie captures his attempts to ‘avenge himself’.
Until I watched this, Kill Bill was my favorite revenge movie.
The movie is pretty graphic. It is not the kind of fare that you can sit with your wife/girlfriend/family and watch. I also base this statement on the fact that my wife & other family cannot stomach ‘tooth extraction using claw hammer’ & live sea-food delicacies. The same might not be true for you...
"tooth extraction using claw hammer" - looks like loori kinda movie... hehe
Hehe.. dei or a beps movie. :-). I would love to watch it.. though not able to get it even in Parsn's complex.
BTW happy teachers day 'you guys'....
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